
Nane nane Grounds, Nzuguni, P. O. BOX 2904, Dodoma, Tanzania


The United Republic of Tanzania
The Prime Minister's Office

AIDS Trust Fund

About Us

AIDS Trust Fund (ATF) established under Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) Act No. 22 of 2001 with amendments No. 6 of 2015. ATF established to strengthening HIV and AIDS domestic resources by increase government contribution to HIV national response as well as private sectors. ATF resources cannot be used for any purpose other than to support national HIV response, include to support People Living with HIV (PLHIV), strengthening HIV prevention, care and treatment services.

Amended Act stipulates that ATF will be managed by the Executive Director of TACAIDS and will be advised by a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees will be comprised of the following members appointed by the Prime Minister of United Republic of Tanzania (URT)

  • One member from TACAIDS Commission
  • One member from the Ministry of Finance (MOF)
  • One member from a non-governmental organization
  • One member from the MOHCDGEC
  • One member representing people living with HIV (PLHIV)
  • One members from the private sector
  • One member from the local government authorities (LGAs)

Guiding Principles

The following guiding principles represent the values that the ATF aims to exhibit and form the basis for how the ATF will operate and be evaluated:

  1. Transparency: the amount of money received and used, and transparency in reporting
  2. Equity: distribution of funds to be 1) evidence-based, 2) according to national priorities, and 3) to special affected groups
  3. Accountability: 1) for reaching objectives, 2) value for money, and 3) strong management
  4. Participatory collaboration: 1) continuous stakeholder engagement and 2) active involvement
  5. Integrity: those involved stay true to objectives/goals
  6. Compliance: to national and international standards, governance, and national policy
Mission Statement

To engage stakeholders at the local, regional and international levels to provide human, social, technological and financial resources in supporting comprehensive HIV&AIDS interventions in Tanzania according to the national priorities

Vision Statement

To mobilize resources for the HIV and AIDS that can lead to greater sustainability of the National Response

ATF- What we do?

To support national HIV response, include to support People Living with HIV (PLHIV)

To strengthen HIV prevention, care and treatment services.